The project aims to contribute to safer and environmentally-friendly road and rail networks in mountainous regions of the Danube Basin with a special focus on the Carpathian Mountains. It will do so by improving planning frameworks and developing concrete environmentally-friendly and safe road and rail transport solutions taking into account elements of Green Infrastructure, in particular ecological corridors. Sharing experience and knowledge will be of great importance. Innovative pilot actions will focus on ecological corridors crossed by EU TEN-T road and rail projects in the Carpathians. An interdisciplinary partnership comprised of planners, economists, engineers, and ecologists will integrate and apply their specific knowledge across the region and cooperate on developing Guidelines on integrated transport infrastructure planning, construction, management and monitoring, taking into account aspects of road safety and biodiversity conservation. Partners will also collaborate on the production of ready-to-use methodologies for stakeholder participation processes, training modules on Environmental Impact Assessment with a focus on ecological corridors, and Catalogues of measures for each of the four pilot sites located in Beskydy (CZ-SK), Miskolc-Kosice-Uzhgorod (HU-SK-UA), Tirgu Mures-Iasi and Lugoj-Deva (RO). An intersectorial dialogue will be fostered at the policy level that seeks for mutual understanding and implementation of recommendations towards integrated transport infrastructure planning from the local to the transnational including EU level.