The 8 participating Geoparks are rich in geo-heritage and represent unique areas in the Danube region. Their sustainable tourism development however lags behind quality standards of top EU Geoparks. This project faces a challenge recognized by all partners: the sustainable use of the exceptional wealth of Geopark natural resources and heritage through sustainable tourism development that avoids the negative environmental impacts. The main project result will be joint Danube GeoTour designed to strengthen cooperation between the regions’ Geoparks and act as an innovative tourism product to accelerate visibility and tourist visits in the geoparks. Common strategy for sustainable management of tourism pressures will form the basis for creating innovative geoproducts. Sharing experiences, testing pilot geotourism products and new interpretative approaches should increase local inhabitants’ engagement, Geopark management capacities and lower the quality gap between Danube and other EU Geoparks.