There is a large gap in the health of the populations of North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia. Prior to this project, there had already been plenty of research material related to this subject, but it had not been sufficiently analysed so far. The purpose of the project was to analyse the collected research material and to report the results in scientific articles, optimise the use of the research material related to differences in health in North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia as background material for action programmes, and to inform the public about the underlying factors in the inequalities in health. In addition, targeted communication would be developed from the perspective of health differences, aimed at the most challenged population groups. The purpose of the project was also to influence the decision-makers in order to decrease the differences in health in the province of North Karelia and the area of the Republic of Karelia. The recommendations for required actions in the Republic of Karelia would be connected to and support the Terveet Elämäntavat (Healthy Lifestyles) programme, which was piloted in the district of Pitkäranta.