The project hereby described aims at identifying and cataloguing a considerable section of the defense system (second and third resistance and connection lines), made up of trenches, weapon-pits, construction works, tunnels and other evidence; a footpath will be used, which follows the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) path called “Italia”; minor integrations will be performed where necessary, relying on the existing paths or mule-tracks. The sole purpose of the work to be performed is ensuring a safe access, whilst reducing to the minimum the new structures which will be built with natural local material, both for the track and for the structures of the deteriorated defense system, which is undergoing a careful renovation. Along the route, special signs will be placed to mark the most meaningful sites from the historical, environmental and natural points of view; in the spots where a panoramic view can be enjoyed, the vegetation will be thinned out in order to enable a full view. Some stones will be installed bearing metal plaques to indicate mountains or significant locations. Moreover the initiative aims at organizing info points, where telematic, video and paper supports will be available.To help tourists, other info points will be located in private owned commercial concerns such as bars, restaurants and hotels. The divulging work concerning the historical-cultural heritage of the First World War sites is carried out by surveying and cataloguing the defense system structures; a guide will be published, containing the catalogued documents, and also cards, charts and points of access to the system.