The departments of the University of Oulu in Kajaani make up an important base with regard to know-how about Russia. Th e implementation of cooperative strategies devised with the Russian parties requires academically educated people with Russian language skills. Already some years ago, there was an initiative made to the University of Oulu about an education programme in relationships, know-how and organisations with the Russians, aimed at a Master’s Degree in Education. An education programme was implemented in the Interreg II A Karelia -programme, which proved popular enough to support the pursuit of a larger education programme. Th e intention of the new project was to meet educational needs by designing, implementing and organising a Master’s programme in the Russian culture and language at the University of Oulu. Th e aim was that the education programme would be accepted as a part of the degree objectives of the University of Oulu and thus included in the basic fi nancing granted by the Ministry of Education.