The Finnish forest cluster, which was built based on the refi ning of wood, may decline if it continues on the same basis as before. Th e goal of the project was to develop a strong sourcing and refi ning cooperation network in the North Ostrobothnia – Karelia region in order to support export to third countries. Th e new cooperation network was to be used to increase the value added from the wood refi ning chain and to improve expertise in North Ostrobothnia and Karelia. Th e purpose was to create and improve the prerequisites for profi table business operations, secure jobs and create new jobs. An essential goal of the project was also to develop the business activities associated with refi ning wood through long-term partnerships and training and by organising company specialisations and contract preparation. Th e perception was that as international competition has arrived in Karelia, the competitive advantage and delivery reliability of companies in the region could be improved using long-term training and practice through cooperation with the Republic of Karelia. Th e project was also to assess the fi nancial opportunities for utilising new felling areas deeper into Karelia and Russia.