Issue: Use of recycled plastic material (rPM) in NWE is homogeneously low. In packaging and building, the highest plastic consuming sectors, only 8% (787kt)/18% (978kt) of plastic employed is recyclate (Plastics Europe 2016). Impeding factors are: unclear recyclate quality, unstable supply, insufficient awareness (EuPC 2017). Dependence on volatile virgin material markets & heavy burdens on the environment & human health ensue. Di-Plast starts in DE, NL, LU and rolls out to NWE. Focus is on packaging and building B2B-supply chains secondary materials. This is advantageous as main products in both are thermoplasts (PE, PP, PS, PS-E, PVC); employed in extrusion production processes. These similarities may result in synergies between the sectors. Changes Di-Plast improves processes for a more stable rPM material supply and quality: sensoring generates data within supply chains; data analytics provides information about rPM quality, amounts, and supply timing; Value Stream Management improves rPM processes & logistics, environmental assessments validate sustainability. 4 pilots enable 12 companies to improve rPM uptake by 4kt. Uptake managers (UM) enable 90 companies to introduce the technologies and understand benefits of recyclates resulting in 18kt uptake. Output 4 pilots improving uptake with 12 companies we support to introduce new processes. The output will be replicable & adaptable for dissemination in NWE & the EU. We support 90 companies to improve rPM uptake by 18kt, we create 1 rPM uptake toolkit with 6 tools, a website with information, tools & learning material, 5 regional UMs enabling uptake in the sectors, and increased digital recycling readiness of 102 companies. Long-term 10 years after project end distribution of results and output embedded with multipliers increase rPM uptake in NWE and EU by 131kt, 900 companies supported. Tools are further advanced for other industries and export.