Digital transformation is a part of technological change related to digitalisation and automation in the framework of transition towards the fourth production revolution, which has significant implications, particularly for business competitiveness and employment. However, it also represents an unprecedented opportunity for improved business development, economic growth and changes in the job market. European businesses can build their strengths on advanced digital technologies and seize the range of opportunities that technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, advanced manufacturing, robotics, 3D printing, blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence offer. Clearly, in a near future the digital transformation will foster economic growth and will become a key driver for employment. Therefore, the DigiBEST project aims at helping European regions to shape their policies to better support businesses for challenges of the digital transformation, as well as take full advantage of advanced technologies and innovative business models. The project’s role is to support European companies, especially SMEs, to acknowledge existing opportunities and possibilities for exploiting them to achieve tangible results, as well as to increase their competitiveness, which will result in improved overall economic development and employment. The state of digitisation varies across European countries and regions, and sectors. In addition, there are large disparities between large companies and SMEs. Thus, the project envisages to assist European regions and companies by researching the existing situation and assessing SMEs digital transformation problems and needs, improving policy instruments, exchange of experience and good practices, as well as increasing awareness.