In industry production, agriculture and in housing-municipal sector there originate also wastes of vegetal origin and we have to store or remove them with high costs. It is possible to lower these costs significantly by more modern technologies. The first step towards the decision of the best way to optimalise the utilisation of wastes for the purposes of the energetic industry is to work out studies based on whose new devices for the production of green energy may be established in the future. The economy of wastes and renewable resources is an area associated to the demands of social and economical interests of both partners. It is inevitable to underlay the suitability of the production of biogas and the environmental announcements by a complex study regarding the cooperation with outland. Cooperation based on two border countries gives excellent conditions for achieving synergetic effects of joint environment preservation in the border regions. From the microeconomics point of view the town of Nitra notes a reduction of considered wastes in thousands of tons/year (the whole county of Nitra: in year 2002 - 337,5 thous. tons, in 2005 - 163,4 thous.tons). At the end of 2008 there were operating 26 waste dumps. Among the methods of destructing waste the most often used is still the unloading of wastes which is economically very consumptive. The technically utilizable potential of municipal wooden waste is in the county of nitra the second highest among all the other counties (18,2% = 6476,30 TJ) and the technically utilizabl potential of biomass is for: wooden industry 40,8%, forest biomass 22,6%, agriculture biomass 21,1, KO 6,5 (2528,00 TJ). All these indicators show the inevitability of working out a study.