This project is going to ensure the electronic retrieval of the catalogue data that are part of the bibliographic wealth owned by the partner bodies, in order to set up a single OPAC or metaOPAC to be freely consulted through the web. At present the whole bibliographic wealth of Trieste University can be accessed through the web, but after consulting different catalogues. The project is going to unify all catalogues, joining them with those - already computerized or to be computerized - belonging to the participating bodies, and setting up a single OPAC query mask, both in Italian and in Slovene. The OPAC is managed through a couple of dedicated servers, which can restore the service immediately in case of hardware problems; the joint OPAC will foster the circulation of the bibliographic material, increasing the number of interlibrary lending transactions. The project is divided into two stages: the organization of a single OPAC to access all computerized data and the beginning of mutual interlibrary lending; the completion of bibliographic data by entering non-computerized data, whilst ascertaining the accuracy of the bibliographic description of the automatically retrieved data.