Project strategy is aimed to promote ICT awareness /literacy through providing mobile Internet, e services and Training for Rural community in Cross border region ( E INCLUSION ). The project E INCLUSION assists target groups to understand and use ICTs and particularly assists them in the use of the Internet and available e-services (tax administration, birth registry, election registry, construction permits, e-banking and payments…). . In addition, they provide on-site training options for small businesses, and Internet and computing access in remote locations for researchers or occupations that require field work. The core of this project is Mobile Internet Research and Training Unit (MIRTU) which is a self-contained, Internet ready multimedia knowledge center in the form of a specialty vehicle. The MIRTU is designed to be self-contained and independent so it can go where it is needed. The cyber coach consists of 10 LAN networked computers, a content rich server, modems for internet access, ICT literacy training modules, well designed project evaluation packs, LCD projectors & TV, DVD player, cameras, laser printers, faxes, scanners, courseware and reference е-books. The MIRTU specialty vehicle has an area which is accessible to people with disabilities. The E INCLUSION in Border regions providing dissemination activities, giving out information and providing training sessions. The MIRTU follows a schedule to each of the 20 communities in least developed municipalities of the cross border region. The MIRTU offers access to the Internet and Internet training. It disseminates information about the benefits of accessing the Internet. It also acts as a dissemination method for many other EU funded projects. The E INCLUSION also provides assistance to SMEs in using ICT and provides technical assistance, training programs and training materials for entrepreneurs to facilitate development and sustain long-term success. Programs will include seminars and workshops on: How to start a business, How to get funding for your business and How to write a business plan.