Thanks to the topic on clusters put for by the EU for cohesion and innovation strategy, the Adriatic Danubian Clustering (ADC) project is particularly suitable to give momentum to public support for entrepreneurial cooperation in the strategic productive sectors of South Eastern Europe. Even if a number of quite similar productive specialisation are existing among companies in the AdriaticDanubian area, there is a low knowledge of existing potential for cross-border cooperation because of lacking visibility of SMEs. Therefore ADC objective is to strengthen the territorial marketing of the Adriatic Danubian compound in the global economy by making more of its productive skills through the establishment of sectoral cluster networks, suitable to enhance the effective integration of the more competitive transnational value chains and to reduce regional disparities, also by fostering the attractiveness of the area for FDI. This way ADC substantially contributes to the purpose of balancing attractiveness and accessibility of driving, but still fragmented, areas of SEE growth. In order to achieve this result ADC is implementing the followings: identification of strategic transnational value chains as backbones of growth & attractiveness; capitalisation of productive complementarities of existing and emerging clusters; better horizontal ties among companies of the Adriatic Danubian compound; new dynamic partnership among territorial actors dealing with clusters development; improved business environment through innovative ICT (Digital Business Ecosystem); capacity building of territorial marketing for the attractiveness of Adriatic - Danubian compound. ADC partners, leaded by Region of Veneto, are willing to prompt policy innovation, vertical inter-companies relationship, higher visibility & accessibility of Local Productive Systems and further regional growth, being international experience an added value for cluster partners.