The ADEP RFO stems from some of the facts that today define the situation of many eligible areas under Objective 1 and 2.These are under-populated rural territories or declining industrial zones which are continuing to decline demographically and economically in spite of a series of policies for action. One of the reasons for this failure has been the unsuitability of classic procedures for action, which have been too sector-based and inflexible. There is therefore an urgent need to create territorial policies that are better suited to the needs of zones in difficulty, providing them with tools and effective contractual procedures. Overall objective / Objectif général ADEP has chosen to work to achieve greater efficiency in regional development policies for Objective 1 and 2 zones. The partner regions have therefore requested that their efforts focus on human resources and, especially, on individualized support methods for project leaders (training and capacity building). On the basis of shared know-how and testing, ADEP will allow each region to improve its own policies and to stress human resources as a means of achieving development. Expected results / Résultats attendus On an interregional level, the purpose of the ADEP RFO is to propose an individualised European model for support for local project leaders (training / capacity-building) from 2006. While respecting certain basic principles such as integrated development, public-private contracts, a mainstreamed, multisector approach and bottom-up methods, the model could serve as a starting-point for the creation of a European resources centre for links between development and human resources. On a regional level, the ADEP RFO should be able to support local pilot initiatives for development.The lessons learnt from such pilot projects will be brought together in the framework of the regional resource centres which will disseminate good practices and development methods among other agents and/or local or regional institutions.