EASE & SEE focuses on the development opportunities that structured cooperation models between Social Enterprises (SE), profit organizations, public authorities with the involvement of financial investors may provide to the whole SEE area. The project deals with innovative social entrepreneurship by considering the role of Social Enterprise in the business community and not only in the welfare system, which means approaching SEs and their service needs from a totally different perspective if compared to the many initiatives funded with direct funds as well as cross border or interregional cooperation funds. This means a) understanding and introducing mechanisms in order to facilitate business relationships between for profit companies and SEs, b) creating pre-conditions in order to narrow the financial industry to SEs, c) work on creative and innovative business plans and business clustering models in order to identify markets where all these actors may be the beneficiaries of win-win situations. The partnership is made up of 3 public authorities (City of Venice, Veneto Region, City of Sofia), 1 Regional Developent agencies (RDA of Northern Primorska regional development agency Ltd. Nova Gorica), 1 not for profit organization active in business support activities (Pannon Business Network Association), 1 Social enterprise (ARGE), 1 Chambers of Commerce (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). Additionally 2 Eu Strategic Associated Partners and 6 Observers will provide additional advice, quality and European perspective to the initiative. Beside WP1 (Transnational project and financial management) and WP2 (Communication activities) EASE & SEE has been structured around 4 thematic WPs. WP3 (From State to Market) focuses on promoting the mechanisms and the benefits of making cooperation happen between public authorities, for profit companies and social enterprises. WP4 (Financing Social Sustainable Growth) is aimed at identifying new alternative sources of financing characterized by a a) high level of innovation and complementarity with the existing ones, b) a complementarity with economic development policies which can give birth to innnovative social business clusters combining SEs and for profit organizations. WP5 (Business Development) is dedicated to the detaileds analysis of the business opportunities of each regional area with the clear goal of understanding and proposing the activation of business cluster initiatives between SEs and for profit companies with the contribution of pertinent Public authorities and the financial support and advice of financial actors. WP6 (Pilot - Supporting Sustainable Development Business Plans) will give the floor to all the business support units and tools developed and test the feasibility of creating innovative social business clusters in the SEE area.