A21DIGITAL TYROL VENETO is a common study project of the Free University of Bolzano, the University of Verona (operativ through Polo Scientifico Didattico Studi sull'impresa, Vicenza) and the digital network A21DIGITAL. The objectives of the study are RELEVANT FUTURE STRATEGIES and RECOMMENDATIONS for decision-makers in Tyrol, South Tyrol and the Veneto regarding opportunities and challenges of digitization. As the future of our common economic macro region is determined by its ability to use digitization as a chance. The study A21DIGITAL TYROL VENETO on the basis of numerous interviews with experts (local and global) should assist politicians and decision-makers to master the digital transformation successfully. In particular by improvement of institutional capacities of public administration in the macro region as well as through enhanced interaction of citizens an institutions. But also topics such as education (e.g. a cross-border training program), crossborder exchange in digital government systems or innovative opportunities for participation of young people will be captured by the study.