The main issue of the project is relatively poor accessibility and connection among regions in Adriatic. In the past, each country has developed separate transport system, because of that the cross-border traffic is insufficient and undeveloped. In a modern society connectivity is the basis for economic competitiveness, social and regional cohesion and cultural development. Consequently, not only do the economic and commercial needs of globalization drive the growing demand for air transport, but the demand for air travel is also boosted by evolving societal and cultural needs. In the area there are some smaller airports, which normally don`t have regular air lines. Though they serve for the purposes of touristic traffic, their primary function is to provide needed infrastructure for the purposes of protection and rescue; on the other hand they also satisfy the needs of sport aviation. These airports are not sufficiently equipped and don`t have the needed infrastructure to provide long scale fluctuation of people and goods. Project is coincident with the Measure 3.1, physical infrastructure, because the first step will be to upgrade five small airports, so they can provide modern and safe air traffic services to their customers. Specific objective of the project is to upgrade airports facilities (airport Bovec, airport Nikšic, airport Livno, heliport on island Rab), prepare conditions for upgrading of airport Lisicji Jarak and airport Rab, to increase air traffic in Adriatic area and to improve accessibility of involved regions. To ensure that we should modernize airport infrastructure and airport services which are necessary for the modern air traffic. With this is related next objective of the A3 – NET project, which is establishing conditions for new tourist products with the aim to accelerate the creation of a common tourist and economic space.The reason for establishment of partnership between target countries is the fact that countries have relatively the same problems which will be solved by project activities. Namely, the existing airports were build in the past mostly for military purposes, with staff trained for military activities, while nowadays these airports suffer from lack of modern equipment and knowledge and experiences for civil purposes. The aim of this project is to achieve needed knowledge of using airports for multi-functions: tourism, transport, security, sport etc. with all needed know-how technology, which will be used for all the other existing and future airports.