The project focuses on the preservation of archaeological heritage in the cross-border region, on developing cross-border cooperation in this field and on raising awareness of people about cultural / archaeological heritage. Partnership of the symmetrical project includes 9 organizations from Estonia, Latvia and Russia with cooperation of 3 associates from Russia. Each member state is represented by three partner organizations. The target groups are specialists in archaeology working at different institutions on the Programme area, the representatives of the public authorities of the local and state level, and the local communities. Many of the project activities are oriented, however, also to most broad public. The project’s activities are divided into 5 Activity Packages. Three of them are thematic: 1) preservation, protection and popularization of archaeological heritage (AH) in the landscape; 2) preservation, conservation and popularization of AH in museums; 3) making a cross-border network for the preservation and popularization of AH. The partners will organize similar activities in 3 countries. The main activities include archaeological field inventories of border areas of all countries by local and international teams, and rescue excavations of damaged and threatened sites. Attention is paid to the improvement of preservation conditions and conservation of finds and access to of archaeological materials in respective institutions to the public. Important activities are information days and schoolings for municipalities, schools, teachers, students and public, visibility actions and a broad publishing program for the public. Dissemination occurs also by using the project home page. The main final beneficiaries of the project outputs are public authorities responsible for heritage conservation. The information of project results including digital map of monuments and thematic databases will be sent to public authorities for planning activity to protect archaeological heritage. The project will create a new cross-border network involving at least 12 institutions. As a result of its activities the awareness of people about archaeological heritage considerably advances.