The AB Refugiés project aims to ensure that labour market stakeholders on all three sides of the border (France-Wallonia-Flanders) take action in favour of the target group of recognised refugees. The project’s objective is to provide intensive support to get them on the career ladder: young refugees seeking employment are given career guidance advice and are put in touch with potential employers. The project also focuses on training through the organisation of workplace learning, adapted to the target audience and under the guidance of a trainer. These trainers support refugees in terms of language, attitude, socio-cultural differences,... For job-seekers whose (technical) language skills are insufficient, the partner CCG/EPS provides additional language training through collective French/Dutch language courses. In addition to creating opportunities for learning in the workplace, the project also plans to develop an electronic visual dictionary in the form of a smartphone app. This visual dictionary contains the specific vocabulary of the sector by combining image, written language and pronunciation, and this at least in French, Dutch, English, Arabic, Dari and Pashto. The application aims to improve communication at the workplace between the employer and the allophone worker, or between the workers themselves.