The global energy crisis coupled with the threats of climate change bring into sharp focus both opportunities and challenges for energy planning (EP) all over the world. Energy management initiatives are among the most costeffective actions that local authorities can take to reduce their negative impact on the environment. EP and introducing of energy effectiveness boosting measures are conditions for the sustainable development of municipalities and individual consumers (households). Together, they represent a practical concept for organization of the municipal activities in the energy field as well as for optimization of the energy consumption of households. The development of an EP platform will provide strategic resource for analysis and will support the development of the local priorities in the energy field. The EP is a complex of measures and activities aimed at efficient management of the available energy resources at local level. The EP is a realistic method for implementation of the municipal development plans as well as an instrument for dissemination and communication. It is a tool for creating a vision for sustainable energy usage, climate change adaptation allowing development of measurable short and long-term goals. A clear vision, backed by objective data and precise implementation plans will empower and motivate city employees, citizens, business and industry to optimize energy consumption and usage at local level. Nevertheless, EP provides a benchmark against which progress can be measured.