All Partner regions from the REMOWE main stage project will be continuing&deepening co-operation in the Extension Stage project ABOWE. In REMOWE it has been concluded that efficient instruments are necessary in partner regions to increase the rate of utilizing waste into energy. ABOWE project covers two technologies that rise from the REMOWE project: biorefinery and dry digestion. The novel biorefinery concept was evaluated in REMOWE to have the highest innovativeness and sustainability in Finland and Estonia. REMOWE results also point out the potential to use dry digestion in biogas production. These two technologies will be tested in semi-industrial mobile pilot plants. The pilot plants will be designed, manufactured and tested with selected waste materials from selected potential implementers/investors. The tests will provide with Proof of technology for both technologies. ABOWE directly contributes to the Climate Change, Renewable Energy & Waste Management objectives of EU. The objective of ABOWE is through pilot plant tests and related activities to produce investment decision support information in form of Investment Memo for each testing region. Potential implementers&investors, such as sewage treatment plants, farms, food factories & waste management companies form the key group of ABOWE associated organisations. After start-up and training of testing partners and other stakeholders, the pilot plants will be transported to testing regions to be thoroughly tested there from the regions’ point of view. Testing of biorefinery will take place in Finland, Poland & Sweden whereas testing of dry digestion will take place in Lithuania, Estonia & Sweden. The Investment Memo for each region will include Proof of technology as well as economical calculations, business plan and management plan. It will be a manual for potential implementers & investors of implementing full scale applications of the two technologies and of respective investment opportunities. The regional model, a key outcome from REMOWE, will be used to evaluate the both technologies' economical and climatic impacts from each testing region's point of view, which facilitates compiling Investment Memos. Investment Memos will be presented in specific Investor Events in each testing region to potential implementers and investors. The objective is also to enhance willingness to invest by answering (with the information produced) to the questions that implementers&investors are asking. These questions are listed in Letters of support, signed by potential implementers/investors (associated organizations). Via Investment Memos and Investor Events ABOWE project integrates potential implementers and investors to investments of full scale plants. The desired outcome from ABOWE are implementer/investor driven continuation projects targeting full scale plant investments of the two technologies.