ACCESS aims to improve access of Greek & Albanian MSMEs to modern financial tools so as to support their growth, innovation, competitiveness & internationalization. The core concept is to network business support organizations (chambers & NGOs) from the eligible programme area & equip them with the proper means & tools in order to facilitate MSMEs’ access to finance. For that purpose the project foresees a wide range of services jointly developed & made available offline & online on information, networking, training, mentoring, and capitalization. The specific content & range of services will be identified after carefully examining available financial tools in the area of intervention, MSMEs’ access to them & existing good practices in the participating business support structures & NGOs, but also in other relevant external organizations at local/regional/national & European level. For the implementation of the aforementioned actions project partners, being chambers & organizations supporting business development & entrepreneurship, shall exploit their extensive know-how & experience & establish working groups (“ACCESS Agents”) composed of policy-makers, socioeconomic partners, MSMEs’ representatives at all levels (local, regional, national, cross-border) so as to ensure effective consultation during the whole course of the project & build its outputs & results on consensus.