Common CB problems: low competitiveness, poor networking between enterprises, inadequate disposal of agricultural harvest residue-biomass. Project’s approach is improvement of enterprise networking by creating CB Cooperation networks for biomass/BA users and providers;introduction of new approach to dealing with agri. waste and new, standardised prototype presented as contribution to improved competitiveness. This will be done through cooperation of skills, equipment and research in order to resolve problems. Main project objective:to improve competitiveness of regional economy subjects and further develop business environment in CB area. By providing support and knowledge, introducing new principle and new product, agri. subjects will provide biomass to industry and solve problem of waste disposal plus even profit. Biomass is cheaper than commonly used types of fuel in industry so by its use as energy source industry would benefit. Networking of industry and construction companies will introduce possibility of biomass ash (BA) use in civil engineering structures as integral part of construction so their competitiveness would be improved. Main project outputs are:4 samples of new, standardized BA products;1 cooperation network for biomass and BA users and providers and 3 construction companies/enterprises cooperating with research institution during the project implementation . CB added value is env. sustainability because project brings new approach in dealing with waste in env. friendly and sust. way. Higher edu./research will conduct research/disseminate results; enterprises and SMEswill provide agri. biomass waste and learn how to manage it usefully, produce prototype according to Report; learn about new technologies - become more competitive; business org. will improve enterprise networking so become more competent, public will benefit from improved management of agricultural waste-environment improved.