EfficienCE aims at increasing energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) usage in public transport (PT) infrastructures to reach local, regional and also EU energy targets. With an average share of only 6.3% RE in CE countries and low application of new technologies to increase EE in PT infrastructures, CE countries are challenged with the EU’s target to achieve a 10% share of RE in transport by 2020 (Renewable Energy Directive). EfficienCE takes up this high relevance and need of improving EE of PT infrastructures to exploit the untapped potentials in this sector. Therefore, 12 partners incl. 7 PT authorities/companies from 7 different CE countries will work on the following specific outputs in thematic WPs: WP T1) strategies & innovative managerial approaches for planning, financing & deploying energy-efficient PT infrastructures incl. new ways of data-based planning (e.g. PT infrastructure cadastre in Leipzig/Budapest or concept for integration of RE into e-bus charging infrastructure in Bergamo); WP T2) strengthening the capacity of the PT sector by providing capacity building measures like workshops/trainings, handbooks and a CE tool repository providing access to innovative tools & services to improve EE in PT; WP T3) pilot application of novel energy saving technologies in PT infrastructures being “first-of-its-kind” in CE ranging from RE integration into metro stations (Vienna) & trolley depots (Gdynia) to upgrade a substation for multipurpose use of existing PT infrastructure (Maribor) and new buffer storage technologies (Pilsen). EfficienCE‘s planned capacity building & communication activities will foster knowledge exchange (e.g. through a User Forum & webinars) overcoming disparities of knowledge & expertise of PT authorities/companies on EE PT infrastructures across CE. EfficienCE’s project results have a high replication potential and the project will become a seedbed for leverage of investments and multiplier effects for EE PT infrastructures.