The project strategy includes 4 stages: The first one is to use the knowledge, informational resources and existing documents of Bulgarian and Serbian experts, to gather all relevant documents, regulations and acts on the topic and together with information for EU good practices to share it among colleagues (desk research). The second stage is study visits of representatives of NGOs, local authorities and practical oriented research. After having the information and the observation the third stage consists of working out of a MODEL for interaction between NGOs and local authorities by Serbian and Bulgarian experts. The last phase is dissemination of the model among Serbian NGOs and citizens in the Pirot region. Through broad awareness campaign the information will reach large group of people who will be motivated in the future to take part in decision making process on local level. In brief the strategy follows the pattern: 1. Gathering information, best practices and available documents; 2. Observation and conclusion of practical oriented visits; 3. Elaboration of a model of interaction; 4. Dissemination of the model and awareness campaign.