Nord-Pas de Calais and Hainaut are experiencing a difficult health and social situation where chronic diseases that are linked to an unbalanced diet of low nutritional quality are particularly high and growing. To address this problem, it is essential to establish an overall solution directed towards a transition of the agri-food system and a reduction of social and health inequalities. The AD-In project aims to develop a cross-border cooperation scheme with the aim of promoting long-term and autonomous access for vulnerable people to sustainable food by focusing on short circuits in the cross-border territory. The project revolves around 4 axes: understand in order to act: develop training with social integration professionals to enable them to include the issue of sustainable food in their professional practices; inspire; suggest participatory food challenges to citizens with autonomy difficulties, disseminate; recruit and train inclusive sustainable food ambassadors to transmit and disseminate best practices in the cross-border area; model for anchoring in the territories; convince elected officials and local decision-makers of the importance of the issue; offer them solutions and support them in their choices and their commitments.