The entire Haut de France-Wallonia-Flanders basin is a region rich in agricultural and agri-food activities. However, in recent years, the development and sustainability of the meat sector has been compromised. One of the most restrictive measures comes from the ban on the use of antibiotics/growth factors in livestock farms. In addition, consumers are primarily looking for quality products (organoleptic and nutritional but also free of any residues) but are not always willing to accept a significant increase in the cost of these foods. To try to respond to this double constraint, the ADAGIO project proposes to create and highlight the impact of a nutritional solution to promote the implementation of intestinal mechanisms leading to good digestive health in livestock. The first objective is to make this solution available for animal feed but also to study the possibility that this solution could be the basis for food supplements for human use, as the France-Wallonia Flanders basin is also one of the regions with the highest prevalence of digestive diseases in Europe.