ADRI-SEAPLANES aim is to create the best conditions for the set up of stable connections through a common seaplane system. The Adriatic areas of Italy, Greece, Albania, Croatia and Montenegro, in fact, even if very closed in terms of nautical miles, are linked only through the maritime system and not by direct air connections. This condition allows only the reach of the countries involved with a lack of time, situation that affect the establishment of stable economic relations. The maritime routes, in fact, are covered only through the commercial relations between the main international Adriatic ports through RO/PAX vessels with a period of travel, sometimes, more than ten hours. Seaplane transport is very common and used in some area of the world, and thde Adriatic basin offer an important network, constituted by its Ports in order to introduce a new seaplane system. Through the project, in fact, partners intends to develop an alternative and faster way of transport through the set up of a stable seaplane connection, through the following steps: 1) harmonization of the conditions at normative, operational and structural level in order to facilitate investments from all the European countries; 2) give ports the small infrastructural level, supported by the mandatory investments related to security in order to obtain the status of water airports 3) involvement of the private sector in the activities, as indirect beneficiaries of project results; 4) Support at political, instritutional and operational level of the newly established seaplane system through the set up of an Adriatic seaplane Steering Committee, whose aim is also to enlarge the network of seaplane also to other Adriatic Ports. The results of the project are the reinforcing of Ports services and facilities through the offer an alternative way of transport, in order to make ports more competitive, to streghten the commercial and business relations in the project area. A pilot project is foreseen, which intends to test the functionality of the common normative and operational activities through the charter of a seaplane. In order to improve the seaplane system, an on-line common booking service is foreseen. The involvement of stakeholders and operators in the development of the project intends to spread in project area the use of seaplanes instead of airplanes or boats.