ADRIMOB involves the main ports of Adriatic cross-border area. Venice, Ravenna, Rimini, Cesenatico, Pesaro-Urbino, Pescara, Brindisi, Bari, Rovinj, Rab, Spalit, Durres, Bar, Igoumenitsa and the main ports of Slovenian area. The involved partners gathered their efforts with the purpose of defining a project generating concrete solutions to real problems: improvement and upgrade the accessibility in the Adriatic area, infrastructures and transport inter-operability networks. Adriatic sea has been considered for long time as an obstacle to EU integration; in reality it represents a big opportunity for the development and the competitiveness of the Adriatic area. The project is defined taking into consideration the specific problems identified starting from the general overview on EU politics in the field of sustainable mobility, the analysis of the mobility situation in the Adriatic area, down to the specific state of art and problems raised by the partners in such field. Taking into account cooperation area, and the real constant increase of business and tourism activities between the Adriatic sides, it is necessary to make an effort toward the sustainable mobility, thus to make a concrete breakthrough to define and structure an efficient and less polluting mobility system both for goods and passengers. This means to focus on specific issues such as: public transport, ports, multimodal centres, bike facilities and so on. The need is to plan an integrated strategy of sustainable transport to favour the sustainable movement of the increasing number of people travelling for different reason: work, tourism, business, etc. This will be achieved by strengthening and integrating existing infrastructure networks, with the development and upgrade of transport and communication services. ADRIMOB is in line with the Priority 3, Measure 3.2 of the IPA Programme:it is aimed at favouring the development of sustainable transport system along and between the Adriatic coasts as well as their inlands. Specific objectives are: to strongly encourage and favour the use of sea transport for passengers both between and along the coasts; to strengthen and integrate the existing infrastructure networks and structure and promote new / complementing links between ports and inland areas; to capitalize the experiences of the partners gained during the past programming period; to create new job opportunities; to improve/strengthen the sea routes; to encourage the Public relevant Authorities in the Adriatic area to improve the quality level and the effectiveness of safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment in the whole Adriatic basin by implementing the relevant EC Directives aimed at achieving the development of sustainable maritime transport and traffic in the area. To the purpose of concretely facing the above mentioned problems and to achieve the objectives defined, the following WP are planned: WP1 Project Management and coordination, WP2 Communication and dissemination, WP3 Definition of a cross-border Adriatic strategy for the implementation of multimodal mobility, WP4 Definition and organisation of sustainable multimodal cross-border circuits, WP5 Marketing of the multimodal circuit. The main expected results are: the completion and networking of multimodal cross-border circuits in order to increase of the use of means of transport alternative to car and decrease of CO2 emissions, qualifying the transport offer of the Adriatic area and consequent increase of its competitiveness. This allows a new job creation, a reduction of existing gaps of the transport offer as well as the mismatch between old and new technologies, an increase of awareness of people and public authorities on the sustainable mobility, as well as an increase of awareness of citizens and public authorities on the need of a better protection of the marine and coastal environment.