The aim of the project is to identify actors in the arts sector, particularly living and/or operating in the cross-border region, to promote their creations and strengthen their cooperation and to provide a unique way of market expansion through the use of innovative information technology. ADRION-ART aims to assist a particular sub-group of the cross-border enterprises, namely those involved in the arts sector, to face the challenges of embracing digital technologies with an aim to improve productivity and market reach, to adapt their internal structures to global competition and to achieve “internet speed” in their “business reaction” times. In addition, ADRION-ART assists a broader range of the community by providing access to historians, scholars, sociologists and other researchers to modern forms of art and culture and establishing a modern education community through a well-organized source of knowledge. The specific objectives are: • Publish and promote the work of artists. • Offer the opportunity to artists to promote their products by conducting on-line artistic exhibitions. • Upgrade the cross-border trade. • Incorporate innovative technologies in the day-to-day activities of art creators such as the electronic ordering, buying and selling. • Provide art creators with a cost-effective access to new national and international markets. • Disable the constraints on the access infrastructure of the users by offering a web based, user-friendly IT platform. • Improve transnational cooperation of artists and exchange of experience and knowledge • Offer the new art creators the ability to connect with the system by mapping their products with the ADRION-ART platform.