Traditionally, the agricultural sector is not very receptive to innovation, especially when innovation is defined in the sense of new «original combinations of existing products and services». Innovation in the agricultural sector implies a vision of diversification in the broad sense: product development, implementation of local services in rural areas, development of new outlets (e.g. biofuels), agrotourism, environment-friendly agricultural practices, etc. It is no longer enough for farmers to launch a new production, they also have to think in terms of distribution and marketing chains to also benefit from the created added value. There is economic development and employment potential in rural areas: the human potential and competences are available. They only need to be optimised. That’s why the project aims at maintaining employment, keeping the small and medium-sized farms going and helping with the economic restructuring. To support the farmers in the restructuring and above all to increase the chances of successful diversification, the partners organise trainings and provide individual support.