The general objective of the project is the creation of a new frame of cooperation between islands for innovation in agriculture, mobilizing the « pools of competencies » scattered in the insular MED area. The project belongs to Axis I – Strengthening innovation capacities, Objective 1.2 of the MED Program: « Strengthening strategic cooperation between economic development actors and public authorities ». The main achievement is the elaboration of a methodology answering these large objectives for agriculture in the islands. The working program follows a logical frame divided in three steps: - Component 3 : “comparative analysis of innovation”, with identification of priority fields (phase 3.1), and of the best practices related to these fields (phase 3.2), - Component 4 : “elaboration of the methodology” built on the bases of the best practices identified (phase 4.1) and tested in each island through pilot projects (phase 4.2), - Component 5 : “inter-island strategy for innovation in agriculture”, with an application in each island (phase 5.1), and “creation of the transnational network of inter-island pools of competencies” (phase 5.2). The partners publish a unique call for proposals, before the end of the project, in order to be implemented afterwards, as first action of the network and concrete following of the project, mobilizing Measure 1.2.4 of the EAFRD for “cooperation regarding innovation”.