Tässä on lueteltu kaikki EU-rahastot - projektit valitsemiesi kriteerien mukaan. Pienennä valintaa edelleen käyttämällä vasemman alueen suodattimia

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Tulokset : PARAS KäYTäNTö - PROJEKTIT (25049 )

Lajitella jonkun mukaan:


Low Carbon Innovation Transregional Network. Business advice for the promotion of a low carbon economy through innovation and the promotion of green initiatives
This project creates the LOW CARBON INNOVATION Transregional Network aimed at the development of a l ...


The Euro-city Chaves-Verín as a tool for approaching Europe 2020 to citizens
A cross-border cooperation project that pursues the corporate purpose of an EGTC: the Chaves-Verín E ...


Sustentabilidade da Viticultura de Encosta nas Regiões do Douro e do Duero


Accessible, integrating, intelligent and international natural and nautical destinations
The project wants to increase the attractiveness of the territory by highlighting the natural and cu ...


Incremento de la competitividad de las pymes del sector de las energías renovables


Red de cooperación para la ordenación de los territorios forestales de la Eurorregion


Joint dynamisation of the Gerês-Xurés cross-border biosphere reserve
The main objective of this project is to strengthen the entity and identity of the Gerês-Xurés Trans ...


South-west coastal environmental observatory
The project is based on the creation of a full structure of transboundary Operational Oceanography t ...


Network of Cooperation in R + D + i Oriented to the Design of a Sustainable and Transboundary System of Maritime-Fluvial Transport in the Gulf of Cádiz
The maritime connections could reduce the distance between Cádiz and Faro by 156 km, and 105 km betw ...


Creation of a Cross-Border Ecosystem of Health Innovation
The objective of CODIGOMÁIS is the creation of a Cross-Border Ecosystem of Innovation in the field o ...

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