ESF+ EASI 2027
European Social Funds Plus - Employment and Social Innovation (ESF+ EaSI | 2021-2027)
Përshkrim i shkurtër i firmës konsulente
The ESF is Europe’s main tool for promoting employment and social inclusion – helping people get a job (or a better job), integrating disadvantaged people into society and ensuring fairer life opportunities for all.
It does this by investing in Europe’s people and their skills – employed and jobless, young and old.
Every year, the Fund helps some 10 million people into work, or to improve their skills to find work in future.
Informata themelore
- Periudha: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027 [Periudha e 9-të e Financimit të BE-së (2021-2027)]
Strategjia e BE-sëGjashtë prioritetet von der Leyen të Komisionit Evropian
- Lloji i financimit Fondet Strukturore dhe Investive Evropiane - Politika e Kohezionit (CP)
- Thirrni Totalbudget 6527000000
- 3
- 6526999997
Buxhetet vjetore:
2021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 1
- norma maksimale e rimbursimit të BE-së 100
Informacion i detajuar
Temat e financimit
Kualifikimi i aplikantitis active at the national level , based in a EU-Member state , is active at the transnational level , established in one of the countries participating in the Program , legally established in a Member State
Kushtet e projektit
Programi | Prioritetet e Thirrjespriorities of the European Commission 2019-2024_
grupi i synuar
Datat, afatet dhe vendndodhjet
- Koha e mbetur deri në afatin e caktuar 12 Muaj), 31 Dita, 0 Orët, 0 Procesverbalet.
Afati kohor
thirrjet 1.Telefononi: 2.Telefononi: 3.Telefononi:
aktualisht nuk ka asnjë dokument në dispozicion për këtë rekord