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Ergebnisse für: BESTPRACTICE - PROJEKTE (25049 )

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Cross-Border Cooperation Project for the Integral Valorization of the Dehesa - Montado Ecosystem
The dehesa, a cross-border agrosilvopastoral ecosystem like no other in Europe, is in a serious cris ...


Creation of business cooperation networks in rural cross-border environments in the agri-food (gourmet) and tourism sectors
This project seeks business cooperation in rural cross-border environments between companies and ent ...


Improvement of the urban environment and reduction of air pollution through sustainable mobility solutions in cities of Portugal and Spain
Universities can be an example for the development of urban mobility proposals and this project want ...


Development of Interregional Capacities around Strategic Resources in Metal Mining
The objective of this Project is to generate a network of scientific-technical knowledge and R & D & ...


Mediterranean Diet promotes Health
The objective of the project is to study the general state of health and the lifestyle of students, ...


Red Escénica 


Cross-Border Carbon Exchange Market


Observatório Territorial e Ambiental Alentejo Extremadura II


Cross-border Platform for the promotion of R + D + i in nanotechnology
Nanogeteway aims to implement a strategy and a plan of action that will exploit the potential of nan ...


Industrial innovation through specific collaborations between companies and research centers in the context of biotechnological valorisation maina
CVMar + i promotes industrial innovation around marine biotechnology, proposing new products based o ...

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