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Ergebnisse für: BESTPRACTICE - PROJEKTE (25049 )

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Proyecto transfronterizo de infraestructuras locales de comunicación


Promoción de centros empresariales de dinamización y diversificación del tejido socio-económico transfronterizo


Establecimiento de una red de cooperación transfronteriza para la utilización de sistemas de producción ecológicamente sostenibles en acuicultura


Desenv. e harmonização por Portugal e Espanha de novos indicadores, metod. e estratégias comuns para aplicação da Directiva Quadro da Água às massas de água de transição e costeiras do Guadia


University-Business Knowledge Transfer Network. Central Region of Portugal-Castilla y León
This project seeks to certify the Central regions of Portugal and Castilla y León as drivers of inno ...


Laboratory for business innovation in cross-border food and hospitality markets
Sabor Sur develops synergies and cooperation between companies in the food and hospitality sector wi ...


Intelligent Cooperation Strategy Transboundary Rio Minho
A project based on the realization of pilot experiences of joint management of equipment, cultural a ...


Methodology of energy rehabilitation of heritage buildings 2
RENERPATH works for the establishment of a European prenormativa for the energetic rehabilitation of ...


Adaptation to climate change of the coast of Galicia and north of Portugal
MarRisk wants to ensure intelligent and sustainable growth of the coastal areas of Galicia and North ...


Iberian Network for the Promotion of Childhood Health
A cross-border Iberian observatory of Children, Youth and Family Health is the objective of this pro ...

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