CLEAR aims to serve as a kick-start mechanism for generating a better attitude towards Cultural Values (CVs), rendering them accessible to all and so seen as assets to local development. The current inadequacy of accessibility & poor management of CVs in SEE countries results in a growing tourist market being ignored, a market represented by senior citizens, people with a disability or an impairment. CLEAR wishes to make everyone aware of the possibilities represented by an increase in accessibility to CVs and to give different stakeholders (governments, tourist representatives, cultural operators etc) tools and practical experiences to improve full accessibility to local CVs, thus transforming obligations into an asset and proposing market accessibility as a winning strategy for producing long-lasting beneficial effects in economic trends & social cohesion. The project partnership is composed of different players all relating to CV accessibility themes: -REGIONAL/LOCAL AUTHORITIES, institutionally responsible for the local management of CVs -DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES: fostering local planning and development both economically and socially -NON PROFIT ORGANISATIONS representing final users, media, art & training -A RESEARCH CENTRE with great expertise on It accessibility tools.