The river Danube is more than a pure river, it is the artery of Europe´s heart, a waterway that connects countries, regions, communities and people. Its protection for today and its preservation for tomorrow is a responsibility of each and every person living or working in the catchment area. Stakeholders of the inland navigation sector, one of the main users of the Danube waterway, are aware of this responsibility and make all possible efforts to prove that the inland waterway transport is one of the most environmentally sound modes of transport. One very important improvement process started with the WANDA Project (SEE Programme, 1st call, 2009-2012), which dealt with ship waste management issues in the Danube region. The project consortium concluded that the organisation of collection and treatment of hazardous and other ship wastes (possible pollutants of the water body) is not possible without a mutually signed international legal instrument that regulates the harmonized procedures of waste management all along the river. In spite of clear but isolated efforts by some countries to develop a waste collection system and other intentions on international level (recommendations and initiatives of the Danube Commission, ICPDR, etc.), effective transnational solutions have not yet been provided. This is the reason why an experienced consortium of waterway and port administratons, research centres and expert bodies have established the CO-WANDA Project: Convention for WAste Management for Inland Navigation on the DAnube. This two-years cooperation project allows 1) the definition of a technical and professional framework of ship waste management; 2) a pilot test and comparison of new developments and (good / best) practices learnt from practices already operational on the Danube and other waterways (i.e. the Rhine); as well as the coordination of an international implementation board in order to draft an international convention to be signed by Danube riparian countries. Effective results the CO-WANDA project will be the distribution of educational materials to promote onboard waste prevention and pre-treatment, the integration of River Information Services and waste management activities for a more efficient transboundary coordination and monitoring, the definition of a financing system and the set up of a software that supports the related administrative tasks. The quality and progress of the project is supervised by recognized organisations and experts, such as the Danube Commission, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine or Sava Commission. Cooperation with parties responsible for the implementation of actions related to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region is essential during the entire lifetime of CO-WANDA