The Arts and Crafts sector is mainly composed of small units employing little or no employees. These economically fragile companies bring a high added value to their productions, thanks to their specific and traditional know-how. They thus fully participate in the cultural and patrimonial identity of the Poctefa territory, increasing its attractiveness in particular. The challenge of COOP'ART is to make the project territory touristically more attractive thanks to a qualitative and diversified offer of crafts involving the economic solidity of companies, creativity, dynamism and collective promotion of arts and crafts. The general objective of the project is therefore to improve the artistic (cultural and identity) and commercial potential of the Artisan d'Art companies in order to develop the cultural heritage and the tourist attractiveness of the project territory. In order to achieve this objective, the Spanish and French partners will define and implement a global and shared strategy to support artisanal craft companies towards innovation, qualification and enhancement of their productions in a sustainable tourism market. This project mainly targets artisans & craft companies of the ceramic and earthenware sectors, wool, textiles, wood, glasses and stained glass, jewelry. Expected results will include a cross-border tourist route.