The students of Siauliai University, the Latvian University of Agriculture and Liepaja University are very active in the cultural life of their own area, but lack knowledge about the culture of their nearest neighbour. United by a common Baltic culture and history, the universities have begun renewing long-standing traditions of cooperation among the Balts. The aim of the project is to develop cross-border cooperation of the academic youth communities of three universities, preserving and restoring Baltic traditions, the culture of Kurzeme, Zemgale and Siauliai regions, improving quality of cultural and academic events by means of art and creative initiatives. There have already been two international student camps (in Jelgava and Liepaja) providing knowledge on different aspects of Balts’ culture and developing students’ art skills. Two cross-border theatre and folklore festivals (theatre festival “Under the Sun” and Students’ Days “Baltic Afternoon” in Jelgava), raising awareness of Balts’ identity and showing performances representing the unity of the two neighbouring nations have taken place. International students’ science and art conference was organized in Liepaja as youths’ contribution to the academic life of the Baltic countries. One of the biggest and gala events of the project is “Balts’ Day” in Siauliai where nine folklore collectives from Latvia and Lithuania will prepare and show dance, a musical performances revealing Balts’ cultural features and peculiarities, based on the developed script. In scope of project activities, exhibition of students’ art works created during the summer camp in Liepaja has been exhibited in Siauliai, Liepaja and Jelgava. Photos of those art works may also be seen at the created project website – Final project workshop will present and discuss the results and further durable cross-border cooperation in the field of common Balts’ cultural and historical heritage.