Tallentaa ASVILOC PLUS Agencies Supporting Value of Innovation systems in regional and LOCal economies
Tallentaa AT-GPS Ardenne Tourisme GPS The partners group the Belgian and French Ardennes tourist roads and circuits (including the multi-d ...
Tallentaa AT-HU ISA Integration benachteiligter SchülerInnen in den Arbeitsmarkt im Rahmen der dualen Ausbildung
Tallentaa AT-LIGHTS Exploitation and alternative utilization of the Atlantic lighthouses Although lighthouses have long been characteristic elements of the coastlines of the Atlantic Area, ...
Tallentaa AT-VIRTUAL Open innovation to improve response in maritime security and safety in the Atlantic Area
Tallentaa ATASTI E TERRITORI Utilizzo degli archivi catastali per la gestione degli eco-sistemi e lo svilu
Tallentaa ATBRAND AT.BRAND AT.Brand focuses on innovation and management in integrated city branding. Looking beyond individual ...