Tallentaa AEROšKOLA S MARIENKOU A MAřENKOU Aeroschool with Marienka and Marenka Project is aimed to inovative freetime activities by schools and strenghten the crossborder cooperat ...
Tallentaa AFFIRMATION OF THE NATURAL AND CULTURAL VALUES IN THE BORDER REGION FOR BETTER VISIBILITY AND ACCESS Affirmation of the natural and cultural values in the border region for better visibility and access
Tallentaa AFFORDABLE SUSTAINABLE HOUSING Affordable Sustainable Housing (Cross-border Demonstration Project)
Tallentaa AGE-FRIENDLY REGION Új modellek kifejlesztése a határ két oldalán élő lakosság időskori magas életminőségének biztosítása érdekében In 2010 the World Health Organisation launched the initiative Age-friendly World. The vision is to r ...
Tallentaa AGENCY FOR TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION AT THE HOCHRHEIN Agency for transnational cooperation at the Hochrhein
Tallentaa AGENTS DE DéVELOPPEMENT LOCAL Partenariat européen pour le développement des compétences des agents de développementslocal