Tallentaa VETABIO Valoriser l’Expérience Transfrontalière en Agriculture BIOlogique The production of organic vegetables is widespread in the cross-border area. The characteristics and ...
Tallentaa VETTA Valorizzazione delle Esperienze e dei prodotti Turistici Transfrontalieri delle medie e Alte quote Spirit of the project is to enhance and highlight the environmental resources, human and landscape ...
Tallentaa VETTA Valorizzazione delle Esperienze e dei prodotti Turistici Transfrontalieri delle medie e Alte quote Spirit of the project is to enhance and highlight the environmental resources, human and landscape ...
Tallentaa VI. ROčNíK MEZINáRODNíHO TURNAJE V KOPANé žáKů DO 15TI LET VI. ročník mezinárodního turnaje v kopané žáků do 15ti let
Tallentaa VIA ALPINA VIA ALPINA: promoting the natural and cultural heritage of the Alps on a network of hiking trails The project consists in establishing Via Alpina as the first identified hiking route linking the eig ...