Accessible, integrating, intelligent and international natural and nautical destinations
Stutt lýsing á ráðgjafarfyrirtækinuThe project wants to increase the attractiveness of the territory by highlighting the natural and cultural heritage in the economic sector, in destinations and in the educational and university environment, improving tourist access to the territory from rivers, rivers and sea, applying new augmented reality technologies and positioning it internationally. The natural heritage of the Natura network and the cultural heritage of the historical fortresses and villages found in the rivers, estuaries and coast are the differentiating base element in the strategy of valorization, differentiation and internationalization of the cooperation space. The integration of sports activity, education and heritage is the other axis.
- Fyrirhuguð upphaf verkefnis 01.07.2015 Áætluð verklok 31.03.2019
- Lengd 44 (Mánuðum))
- Heildarfjárhagsáætlun áætlunarinnar / símtalið 1899852 Verkefni ESB-fjármögnun 1424889 Hlutfall: 75
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