South-west coastal environmental observatory
Stutt lýsing á ráðgjafarfyrirtækinuThe project is based on the creation of a full structure of transboundary Operational Oceanography that integrates observations with the predictive and analytical capabilities of the existing modeling systems in the Iberian Southwest. The objective is to supply the final user, in a continuous and early manner, with the pertinent information in the most appropriate way. This structure will provide optimal conditions for a qualitative leap in scientific knowledge of marine processes in the region and will boost the regional blue economy.
- Fyrirhuguð upphaf verkefnis 01.01.2015 Áætluð verklok 31.12.2019
- Lengd 59 (Mánuðum))
- Heildarfjárhagsáætlun áætlunarinnar / símtalið 1279318 Verkefni ESB-fjármögnun 959489 Hlutfall: 75
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