Routes and Cultural Development Lake Alqueva 2020
Stutt lýsing á ráðgjafarfyrirtækinuThe project develops an innovative and structuring program of tourism products and services based on endogenous and sustainable economic, environmental and social resources. The aim is to develop the Alqueva Destination or create activity grounds based on its rich cultural and natural heritage. The resources are on the ground but require management and a joint organization to increase their contribution to the economy of the cooperation space and to take advantage of all efforts for a truly shared Alqueva.
- Fyrirhuguð upphaf verkefnis 01.07.2015 Áætluð verklok 30.06.2019
- Lengd 47 (Mánuðum))
- Heildarfjárhagsáætlun áætlunarinnar / símtalið 3100828 Verkefni ESB-fjármögnun 2325621 Hlutfall: 75
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