Cross-border employment support
Stutt lýsing á ráðgjafarfyrirtækinuThe human services sector is today facing a major challenge: improving service quality. This involves, among other things, boosting the level of professionalism and a better knowledge of the existing training programmes in the sector in France and Belgium. The ACT' EMPLOI project aims to associate the human services sector with the new technologies sector. Information and communication technologies (ICT) help to professionalise the human services sector, contribute to the social inclusion of vulnerable people and improve the quality of service provided by employees. Training job-seekers in new technologies does not only professionalise personal services but also reduces the digital divide within the population (carers and people). Among the actions carried out, the project also provides for the development of innovative training through the implementation of dual certification (FR and B), French/Dutch language learning, thus promoting cross-border mobility and the acquisition of skills for a public alienated from the workplace in order to meet the needs of companies in the sector; the construction of common training tools enabling dual certification valid for both French and Belgian employers; the improvement of recruitment by networking cross-border employers and pooling job offers throughout the territory concerned.
- Fyrirhuguð upphaf verkefnis 01.01.2018 Áætluð verklok 31.12.2021
- Lengd 47 (Mánuðum))
- Heildarfjárhagsáætlun áætlunarinnar / símtalið 2876839 Verkefni ESB-fjármögnun 1438420 Hlutfall: 50
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