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Niðurstöður fyrir: BESTPRACTICE - VERKEFNI (25049 )

Raða eftir:


Open and intelligent innovation in the EUROACE
A project that strengthens the business environment creating synergies between companies and R & D & ...


Cross-Border Cooperation North of Portugal-Castilla y León for the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship and the competitiveness of companies
The project reinforces the cooperation between the institutions responsible for R & D & I in Castill ...


Cross-border observatory for the geo-economic valorisation of the Iberian Pyrite Belt
The Iberian Pyrite Belt (FPI, in Spanish-Portuguese) is one of the most important metallogenetic pro ...


Urbes Romanas Transfronterizas 


Cross-border network for the development of innovative products with microalgae
The project promotes scientific excellence in the area of ​​Andalusia-Algarve transboundary cooperat ...


Development of an ecotourism model capitalizing on good European practices to enhance the economic potential and sustainable use of the cultural and natural heritage of coastal, maritime and
The project highlights the transboundary ecotourism potential of the coastal, maritime, fluvial and ...


Acciones para la dinamización y potenciación de la actividad social, cultural y económica del medio rural transfronterizo


Internationalization of Businesswomen from Spain and Portugal towards Integration, Development and Alliances
The INTREPIDA project boosts the business competitiveness of SMEs managed by women in the trans-bord ...


Tourism development strategy of the Iberian border
DESTINO_FRONTERA implements a tourism development strategy of the ES-PT border as a single, integrat ...


Intelligent Development of the Urban System of the Euroregion Galicia - North of Portugal-Castilla y León
The project aims to promote the intelligent development of the Urban System of Galicia-North of Port ...

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