The operation “Restructuring, Economic Development and Vitalisation Supported by Innovation and Technology-transfer Activities and the Extension of Co-operation” (REVITAE) focuses on the joint elaboration of economic development strategies of the participating Border Regions (Saxony, Styria, Slovenia and Eszak-Magyarorszag). In the partner regions, economic transition brought about the restructuring of entire branches of industry. Reflecting the existing economic conditions, specific thematic focus areas comprise the engineering sector (e.g. automotive engineering) and the environmental sector (e.g. revitalisation of abandoned industrial sites, recycling cycles and renewable energy). Overall objective / Objectif général The overall goal of the operation is the exchange of information on successful strategies for economic development in Border Regions, as well as the development of new strategies in order to enhance the effectiveness of policies and instruments for regional development. Specific emphasis is placed on the exchange of experiences among the various organisational levels (i.e., administrations, innovation and development organisations, research institutions, companies, etc.) and the innovative technological development of SMEs. Expected results / Résultats attendus The operation will directly result in knowledge transfer and inter-regional co-operation activities at the various levels of policy makers, administrations and companies. Main outputs include written guidelines, information on good practices and background information supporting policy makers, administrations and companies in establishing regional and inter-regional innovation systems in Border Regions. Elaborated Development strategies will be published in a handbook on good practices and will provide the foundation for the transfer of results to other Border regions and the design of follow-up pilot measures and projects.