For centuries the Mediterranean has been characterised for its important industry and trading sectors and has been considered the cradle of the civilisations who’s main activity is the commercialisation and exchange of products that are produced in Mediterranean countries. But in the latest decades the tourism and services sectors have grown to be much stronger than these traditional sectors. In some regions these traditional sectors have even disappeared or have become residual activities. This problem has been increased for the each more competitive and globalised world. RIMED project intend to improve and support the economic, technological and organisations potential in order to achieve a higher level of competitiveness, development, sustainability and growth lasting in the future creating, on the other hand an Industrial model to introduce the principles of the Corporate Social Responsibility in enterprises in order to make the Mediterranean a more competitive area based in the knowledge, innovation and sustainable and social development, in order to achieve some of the principles of the Lisbon Agenda and therefore, creating more and better jobs. For achieving these aims, the involvement of politicians and decision-makers will be an important tool to impact on public policies regarding industrial sector and CSR, and on the other hand the involvement of public an private bodies will be basic for the establishment of an European strategy.