Gallery forests create structure in landscapes and natural environments and can play a role as ecological corridors, linking good quality habitats. Local, regional and national authorities which decide to manage riparian areas often lack know-how in this area and seek scientific support from universities. In this context, we have decided to set up an operation bringing together 10 partners from four southern European countries with a view to studying together the possibility of achieving sustainable management of riparian areas. This partnership includes scientific institutions and public authorities and aims to utilise scientific knowledge to meet management requirements. The current operation focuses on preserving the biological diversity of gallery forests while combining sustainable usage, restoration and rehabilitation and providing a structure for the adoption of National Policies for Wetlands. The sharing of knowledge and projects should enhance the desired sustainable management of such areas. Overall objective / Objectif général This operation centres on the sharing of experiences on a regional level, especially within the framework of activities supported by Objective 1, through the preservation of the environment and of the European rural heritage. This partnership combines scientific knowledge with essential management requirements for the authorities responsible for water course management. The operation should have impact at several levels: increased knowledge about the environment and of the European rural heritage, greater cooperation among regions, development of innovative practices for creative management of natural resources, exchange of tools between regions and greater environmental and forestry awareness among the general population. Expected results / Résultats attendus Use of a common methodology, the exchange of knowledge/projects among regions, the study of the natural characteristics of different hydrographic basins, pilot projects for the sustainable reclassification of stretches of gallery forests, identification of good practices for gallery forests (management guide), dissemination of a sustainable management model, greater skills among forestry sector professionals, diversification of rural activities through the introduction of income supplements. Continued implementation of the project results will be achieved in several ways: dissemination of results among the scientific community and the general public and especially among political decision-makers in order to guarantee development and maintenance of the sustainable riverbank vegetation management model resulting from this operation.